Dental Implant Clinic
The Implant Clinic has been custom built to accommodate the best possible treatment facilities.
A dedicated implant operating theatre is supported by state of the art technology such as an operating microscope, digital 2D imaging, together with cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT) scanner allowing 3D radiographs to be taken making implant placement significantly more accurate.

The Surgeries
The implant clinic suite comprises of two naturally lit surgeries with new state of the art surgical and restorative technology being used.
The theatre is specially designed to allow for maximum comfort for patients and for postgraduate teaching for dentists.
Cross Infection Control
Cross-infection is at the centre of the dental implant clinic ethos. Consequently a dedicated recognised flow design sterilizing centre adhering to strict current WHTM 01-05 regulations has been specifically constructed. Incorporated into the centre are ultrasonic cleaners and autoclave sterilization system to assure traceability.

X-Rays / Scanning
Newly installed digital X-Ray equipment means significantly reduced doses of radiation. A 3-D cone beam scanner enables us not only to take 2D Panoramic scans, but also very accurate 3-D images of the jaw so that we can accurately assess the volume of bone for enhanced diagnostic and surgical planning for more complex case.
Digital Impressions
Using advanced digital technology from Digital X-Rays and Digital Impressions via the 3-Shape Trios® system to production of the implant prosthesis via CAD/CAM (computer-aided design & computer-aided manufacturing) to 3D printing using the Straumann CS2 system the clinic endeavours to provide the most advanced treatment possible.

Hygiene & Maintenance
The long term success of implants is dependent upon routine care and maintenance of the implants and supporting tissue. We will advise you in attaining good oral hygiene in an effort to ensure long term success of treatments undertaken.
Our dedicated technician Jon Philips at Eastgate Dental Laboratory produce customised natural-looking prostheses designed for micrometer precision, improving fit, design and biocompatibility thanks to modern CADCAM technology (Computer Aided Design, Computer Aided Manufacturing) using the Straumann Scan CS2 system.
Booking Form
Please contact us with any questions or comments using the form below. We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you!