Teeth Whitening
At West Wales Dental Clinic, all treatments carried out are evidence-based using the most up-to-date materials and techniques available on the market.
Treatments may consist of in-surgery LED Zoom tooth whitening, Zoom Day/Night home whitening kits or usually a combination of both.
The most appropriate treatment options will be discussed in detail with Dr Lewis prior to commencement of treatment.

See the difference
There are a number of reasons why you might get your teeth whitened. Everyone is different; and just as our hair and skin colour vary, so do our teeth. Very few people have brilliant-white teeth, and our teeth can also become more discoloured as we get older.
Your teeth can also be stained on the surface by food and drinks such as tea, coffee, red wine and blackcurrant. Smoking can also stain teeth.
‘Calculus’ or tartar can also affect the colour of your teeth. Some people may have staining under the surface, which can be caused by certain antibiotics or by tiny cracks in the teeth which take up stains.
Philips Zoom Whitening
Philips Zoom whitening is an extremely popular tooth whitening system that is used throughout the world. It is offered as an In-Surgery procedure.
PHILPS ZOOM WHITESPEED uses an advanced LED lighting system which, at the West Wales Dental Implant Clinic takes an hour and a half to two hours to complete with the patient leaving the surgery with a smile that is instantly brighter.
Booking Form
Please contact us with any questions or comments using the form below.
We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you!